So the Polynesian Princess had a friend over yesterday
afternoon. This friend is a
boy. This fact in and of itself
doesn’t really mean anything and shouldn’t even be relevant. But let’s take into consideration the
following points:
- Polynesian Princess announces to me weeks ago that “H is my boyfriend, Mum – he’s a good boy”.
- Yesterday morning she said “Mum, my heart was beating real fast because H is coming over today”
- They emerged from the classroom holding hands.
When I look at all of this, then I think we’re dealing with
a little crush. But she’s only
five. Is this normal at this
age? And does it even matter?
There is a part
of me that does worry that she's taking an interest in boys a
little early. And there's the
other part of me that tells me to chill out and relax. She's only five and so what if her friend happens to be a boy - this is all very
innocent! Right?
When I picked
them both up from school yesterday the first thing I noticed was the
hand-holding. They looked so
ridiculously happy - it was just the cutest thing. They held hands all the way
to the car, and they just chatted away happily. It was only once we were in the car and there was lots of
whispering and giggling going on (and a very dramatic "don't tell my
MUM!" from my daughter) that I allowed a stray thought float through my
mind: “is this a date?” - “am I on
my daughter’s first date?!”
Ridiculous to
think, and I know that it’s not.
But seriously. If you added
20 years to both of them, they were acting EXACTLY like I would have on a date!
They had such a great time together yesterday
afternoon. The hysterical laughing
coming from the trampoline was such a delight to hear. They both screamed and shouted “yeah!”
when I announced that H would be staying for dinner. I love it. I
love the enthusiasm and happiness children exude. And I was so happy to watch them on their first playdate.
The following
was what I wrote to finish off my post - because I actually wrote this
yesterday, while H was over:
I’m not going to look too hard into this. I’m going to let Polynesian Princess
enjoy this time and not push my interpretation of things onto her. So breathe Mama…all will be well.
And the following is actually the end of my post because
there were developments after I hit "save":
During dinner, they both announced that they wanted to have
a sleepover sometime soon. Before
I could answer, H started listing off his pending calendar appointments,
ticking them off on his fingers.
“Well, I’m going away this week, and then we’re doing something that
week, buuuut you could just talk to my Mum”. Polynesian Princess in her excitement started yelling out
"you could sleep in MY bed!".
Right. Uh Huh.
And now I’m back to “breathe Mama…all will be well”….
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