Thursday, 11 July 2013

The "BIG" Birthday...

I’m having a birthday soon and it’s safe to say that it can be called a “big one”.  I remember when turning 18 was the “big one”.  And that disappeared in a cloud of smoke as soon as they lit the fuse on the Flaming Lamborghini cocktail I sculled in “Cocktails and Dreams” on the Gold Coast.  You know you’re in trouble when you’re stumbling into the toilets to throw up said cocktail, and you hear someone say “that girl is FARKED!”.  You also know it’s not going to be a great night when you spend the night lying in the backseat of your girlfriend’s car parked on Orchid Avenue while your friends skip back into Cocktails and Dreams without you.  Their only concern being that I might vomit in the car.  But they cracked open the back window a touch, like good friends do, asked the bouncer to keep an eye on me and headed back into the club.  Love those chicks.


So here we are 22 years later and I’m staring down the barrel of another “big” birthday.  Suffice to say that it will be vastly different from my 18th.  There will be daylight.  There will be a backyard.  And there will be children.  Lots of children.  Yes people, one of my celebrations will be with my book club, and it will be during the day in the backyard.

Nice.  Quiet.  Sedate.  Responsible.  Another celebration I’m having will be later that night with the same girls who left me in the backseat like a dog all those years ago.  Not that there’s any ill-will.  Hand on my heart - I would have done the same thing were I in their shoes.  And did I mention that we had only been there about ten minutes when I had that damn cocktail?  Totes ridic.

So where was I?  Oh yes.  These celebrations will be different to the 18th birthday celebrations, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  Some may want to relive their youth and be out til the sun comes up.  But to me that just sounds horrific.  I plan to do what makes me happy, and that is to be surrounded by friends I love and who love me.  Sans the flaming cocktail.

For you crazy cats wanting to relive it, here's a how-to tutorial on how to make a Flaming Lamborghini.  Can I just say that the one I drank did NOT look like this towering inferno - mine was just in a martini glass, but good luck to you!

So here’s cheers to all my class of 1990 who are turning 40 this year.  Happy Birthday everyone xx

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