Monday, 6 August 2012

What's your current musical crush?

You know what it's like.  You get a song in your head and, like a real-life crush, that's all you want.  All you want to listen to.

Mine changes every few days.  I get a hankering for a certain song and that's it for me.  Don't ask me why, but the hankering usually hits as we're about to leave for the school run.  I know.  It's weird.  But who am I to question my musical needs?  So this usually finds me downloading straight to my iPhone as I'm ushering the kids out the door and into the car.  By the time we get into the car and we're all buckled in, I've got myself a new tune to listen to all day.

My latest musical crush comes direct to me from Sex and the City.  Lately I've been working my way through the entire box set of SATC and somewhere in Season 3 I came across Charlotte on Staten Island, drunk and singing Carol Douglas's "Doctor's Orders" - I love it!:

And can I say, I have not listened to anything else.  You know that moment when a song can make you smile like an idiot, dance around in your car like nobody's watching and make you incredibly happy all day?  That's how my musical crushes always makes me feel.

I've had so many musical crushes over the years.  Oh What a Night by Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons, Starships by Nicki Minaj and most recently Gimme Hope Jo'anna by Eddy Grant.  Are you still with me? Judge me though you will, but these songs have all made my day somewhere in the past.  They have made me happy, and for that I will always love them.

Carol Douglas's Doctor's Orders will get relegated to one of my playlists on my phone after the shine wears off, and another song will fill its place.  But with a bazillion songs out there, I have no shortage of choice for my musical crushes.

And you?  Do you have a crush at the moment?

1 comment:

  1. Damn you now I am singing Give me hope Jo'anna and can't get it out of my head! I also have a load of songs, but love how music can transport you to a moment in time that you would previously have forgotten about...


Would love to hear what you think :)