The 70's
In actual fact - my first introduction to Bambi was a 30cm record that Mum used to play for me when I was young. I think she still has these....unless my Dad has thrown them out. Which is highly likely.

Which 70s kid HASN'T seen this movie? And which girl didn't wish she was Sandy and wearing those tights. It even made me want to smoke. Seriously.
Tell me about it. Stud.
The 80's
Oh Ralph....I was SO in love with you. And as for the soundtrack - well, I still can't listen to Banarama "Cruel Summer" without wanting to jump around and do injury-inducing high kicks around the place.

And then just like that - I forgot all about Ralph Macchio and it was HELLO Tom Cruise! Val who? I didn't even notice Val - I was so totally into Tom Cruise that I completely ignored the gay connotations and the big nose.
That's right. I'm dangerous...

And so begins my "thing" for Mickey Rourke. I'm going to stand proud and say that I still have a "thing" for him now. Yes, NOW. As in - how he looks right. this. minute.
Shrug. It is what it is.
The 90's

50 bucks grandpa - for 75 the wife can watch.
Oh my God. I had it bad for this movie. An old friend of mine went to the cinema to watch it about four times. And then there were the video rentals. I couldn't get enough of Eddie in this movie.
You never, ever think a woman that fine would have hammer time in her shoe.
And this one. This one was the first movie I saw with The Architect. There were a lot of scenes in this movie that I wish I had never seen (I already have an active imagination - I don't need more reason to be even more neurotic).
The 2000's
I mean really. What is there to say?
My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

And continuing with my "thing" with Mickey. I give you, Sin City...

Oh and the whistle tune from the soundtrack? That's my ringtone.
I've killed a hell of a lot of people to get to this point. But I have only one more. The last one, the one I'm driving to right now. The only one left. And when I arrive at my destination, I am gonna kill Bill.
I know I've left a lot out and the minute I hit "publish" I'm going to be saying "d'oh! how could I have forgotten THAT one?!". But never mind.
So tell me. What would your movie timeline look like?
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i have no idea how many times i've seen grease before. growing up it was on lifetime and usa like every. single. day. that, and , selena haha
ReplyDeleteWhat's a childhood without Grease :) Thanks for visiting!
ReplyDeleteHi lovely, I can't see you on my followers list!
ReplyDeleteI did it, I swear I did! Had to create an account on Bloglovin and everything... I received your latest blog update via email, so I must be there somewhere?