So I’m participating in "Photo a Day May" which I discovered
on this blog by Fat Mum Slim. I
love the idea so jumped on the bandwagon seven days in.
The general premise is to take a photo a day using the
categories that Fat Mum Slim has designated to each day. You can then upload to Instagram,
Twitter, Facebook or your blog and
simply use the hashtag #photoadaymay.
I started yesterday on day 7 and the category was “Someone
that inspires you”. This was my
This is my friend Shelley. Why does she inspire me? Many reasons, I guess.
Too many for me to really list and frankly, they’re all a bit
personal. Suffice to say that I
adore her, I look up to her and I go to her when I need a slap down to earth.
Today is Day 8: A smell you adore
How do you pick just one? I blogged about memory smells, specifically those from my
childhood. I just love how one
smell can transport you back in time and bring forth memories you’d long since
But for today's photo, I chose garlic.
I was cooking dinner for Polynesian Princess and Little
Warrior (teriyaki ginger beef & fried rice) and had just thrown the garlic
into the oil. Gawd I just LOVE that smell. Then it came to
me. This was going to be “day 8”
for me. Isn’t the smell of garlic and
oil just delicious?
Are you participating? What was your photo for today?
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