Tuesday 5 June 2012

To my Nanna xx

Today would have been my Nanna’s 82nd birthday.  She died six days before my 18th birthday (21 years ago) and I still cry whenever I think about her.   I think she would have been happy with the life I have now.  She would have been happy with the peace there is between my Mum and I, the gorgeous husband I found, and the two children we have had together.

She died aged 61 and personally I think that’s too young.  Naturally I’m going to say that because she was my Nanna, but my Mum is now 62 and I would like to think she will be around for a long time to come.

When you’re a teenager or even in your twenties, sixty seems like such an old age.  But now.  Sitting here at 38, I don’t think it seems that old at all.

Nanna lost her struggle with cancer in July 1991.  Mum, Little Warrior and I went to her grave today and lay flowers.   I wished her a Happy Birthday.  And I wished she was here for one last hug.  One last pinch on my cheek.

I love you Nanna and miss you more than anything.


Are you still fortunate enough to still have your grandparents?

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  1. Beautiful!!! maybe we can follow each other?
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  2. Gracias Marcela - sounds great - following you now! Looking forward to your follow :)


Would love to hear what you think :)