Tuesday, 1 January 2013

One year on...

What a difference a year makes!  Last year I made a New Year's Resolution to blog once a week.  Back then, starting a blog was a huge deal for me.  But I loved it.

And so I blogged.  I blogged once a week, sometimes twice a week.

Bloggity blog blog...

And from the blogging I found confidence.  And as the year went by, my confidence grew.  Tentatively, but still - it grew.

Then in August, clearly drunk on my own self-confidence, I dared to dream: could I start my own business?  Would anybody pay me for my professional skills and knowledge?  Turns out they would.  And they did.  And they still do.

And I thought "well shit, this is pretty good!"

So I enter 2013 with my whiteboard covered in scribbled quotes ("There is no elevator to success - you have to take the stairs") and goals ("attend one networking event per month").  Behind me I have an army of supportive friends and family and I look forward to the journey that 2013 will bring me.  I'm gaining in self-confidence and the sky's the limit when you believe in yourself.

Happy New Year everybody :)
